Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics
ANU College of Physical & Mathematical Sciences

lines - a nebula line list fitting command line utility

v1.0.4 build 19

Developed by Dr Ralph Sutherland, Mount Stromlo Observatory.

lines is for text file based, command–line, gaussian line fitting. An input list of spectral patches is used to measure lines in a simple two column text file spectrum.

Output is as simple text, suitable for creating csv files in subsequent use.


Get the lines code archive here:, or the Bitbucket repository: downloads area

Get the zipped code archive, unzip, cd into it and make it.

There are no dependencies other than having a unix/linux like environment (eg OSX) and a working C compiler (gcc 4.8 or newer, or the Xcode cc compiler etc).


  > make
  > sudo make install
  > make clean



 lines: Spectral line measurements.
 Useage: lines [-c -d -s subFile -p n[:m] -b n[:m] -r n[:m]] -l patchList [-n nlines ] spectrumFile
   Args: required: -l patchList (see example list.txt for format)
         required: spectrumFile, two cols, wavelength - flambda
                   file can be text or text.gz file
                   n header lines (default 0) and then two columns:
                   Lambda  Flambda\n\n");
         optional: -n number of header lines in spectrumfile, default 0
         optional: -r n or -r n:m print output for just line #n or lines #n:m
         optional: -c output the continuum quadratic coefficients, a, b, c: a + bx + cx^2
         optional: -s output the spectrum with all gaussian lines subtracted, leaving residual continuum
         optional: -p n or -p n:m print out line fit +/- 3FWHM,
                    for line #n or #n to #m, -p 0 for all lines
         optional: -f as p but prinout each line fit over full patch, not just  +/- 3FWHM
         optional: -b as p but with patch centred on the line
         optional: -d output debugging information - especially to renumber patches
 Output: std out line fits suitable for csv/text file, redirect to a csv filename for example

lines Useage Options


In addition a utility called listlines that reads a patch file and lists it as a table or as a renumbered patch file is made at the same time:

 listlines: Tabulate a summary of a patchfile
   Useage: listlines [-d] patchList
       Args: required: patchList (see example list.txt for format)
             optional: -d re-output as patches - especially to renumber patches
     Output: std out line fits suitable for csv/text file, redirect to a csv filename for example

listlines Useage Options

Basic lines Examples


> lines -l list.txt spectrum.txt


> lines -l list.txt spectrum.txt > output.csv
> open output.csv

to save the output and open it with an app, say Excel or other spreadsheet.

To plot the solutions over the original spectrum, save the patch fit details with -p 0 to a file and plot with your favourite plotter, eg Graf.

> lines -p 0 -l list.txt  spectrum.txt > solutions.txt

then open spectrum.txt and solutions.txt with the plotter and plot…

Spectrum with Solutions overplotted.

To get a copy of the spectrum with the fitted lines removed, use -s to specify the new file name;

> lines -s subtracted.txt -l list.txt  spectrum.txt > solutions.txt

then open spectrum.txt and subtracted.txt and plot to compare.

Line measurement line target list format

The spectrum is divided into patches, each patch has a left and right continuum region, which is fit and subtracted before one or more gaussian components are fit.

Residual RMS is computed after subtracting the line and continuum fit from the patch and averaging over 3×FWHM centred on the line centre, and ratiod with the line peak in the output.

Covariance values of 1 sigma for the gaussian height and width coefficients, and the continuum constant coefficient 1 sigma, are added in quadrature to get an estimate of the 1 sigma uncertainty in the line total flux, expressed as a percentage of the total flux in the output.

The line list is made of keyword = value pairs and any number of comment and blank lines. Keywords can appear in any order, and can be grouped for convenience.

Ranges are denoted with a colon, ie -1.00:3.00 is a range from -1 to +3 comments are protected with a # character in any line


Keywords are CaSe sensitive!

The input patch list file is a commentable list of keywords and values, as a plain text file. The keywords are case sensitive. Keywords can appear in any order. # characters comment to the end of the line they eppear in.

lines will scan the patch list file for as many patches as it can find. Each used the number in the file as an ID number: patchNumber.lineNumber, eg 004.01 is patch 4 line 1. when actually read in not all patch numbers may or need be present, patch 003 may be missing. The code will take the lines in increasing order as found. Use the -d option to create output that renumbers the patches back to starting with 001 and increasing in order.

A patch is found when at a minimum a Patch_XXX_Line or Patch_XXX_nLines keyword is found. The other keywords for the patch are then searched for, and default values are used for any missing information.

So the minimum patch (and minimum entire patchFile) is like this, an approximate wavelength and an estimated width:

    Patch_001_Line   = 3697:0.7

There are many more keywords available to control the continuum selection, masking, fitting order, and deblending options for patches with multiple close lines.

Once all the patches that can be found are read, the code looks for each one in the spectrum, and lists the results for each line found in the patches, counting the lines in the output, and noting which patch they came from so they can be traced back to the patch list if needed.

Keywords for All Patches:

There are a couple of global keywords that allow defaults to be set, to use if a patch doens’t specify a parameter explicitly:

    Global_Order   = n         # n = 0, 1, 2, order of fit to use unless overridden in a patch

    Global_Width   = width     # width of a line to use if not specified, ie
                               # if  Patch_XXX_Line   = centre  and no width paramter is used, not
                               # recommended unless desperate. :)

    Global_Resolution = res    #  res > 0.0, preferably equal to the instrumental, eg 5000.0
                               # if  Patch_XXX_Line   = centre  and no width paramter is used,
                               # a width is computed from the resolving power,
                               # width = centre/res, assuming the real line
                               # is unresolved, eg in HII regions.

These keywords are optional and can be left out. Order defaults to 2, Width to 1.0 and resolution is set to 0.0 so that if it is not specified and a patch line is incomplete an error will occur.

Keywords for each Patch:

The continuum region can be specified:

Note, it is important to check the fit (use the -p [n [:m] | 0 ] option to print the solutions )

This is the preferred method, and the regions should be wide enough to cover several or more spectrum points each, and can even be quite far from the target line if necessary. Use the range limits to avoid fitting nearby lines or spectrum defects, where the automatic continuum specifiction above can fail.

or the ranges will only cover one spectrum point each, a linear continuum fit, a straight line between l0 and r0 will be used instead of a quadratic fit.

lines will find the nearest data points to the ranges given in an inclusive way.


A single line patch, auto continuum selection,

   # Balmer line
   Patch_001_Line   = 3750.0:0.7

A single line patch, manual continuum ranges, quadratic continuum fit,

   # High Balmer line quadratic continuum
   Patch_001_Left   = 3689.0:3689.5
   Patch_001_Right  = 3693.5:3694.0
   Patch_001_Line   = 3691.5:0.5

A single line patch, manual continuum ranges, linear continuum fit,

   # High Balmer line - linear continuum
   Patch_001_Left   = 3689.0
   Patch_001_Right  = 3694.0
   Patch_001_Line   = 3691.5:0.5

A single line patch, constant continuum, for most difficult fits

   # High Balmer line - fixed continuum
   Patch_001_Line   = 3691.5:0.5
   Patch_001_Continuum  = 5.0

Multiple lines in a patch, with auto continuum

   # [OII] doublet
   Patch_001_nLines  = 2
   Patch_001_Line_01 = 3726.0:0.7
   Patch_001_Line_02 = 3729.0:0.7

Multiple lines in a patch, with manual continuum

   # [OII] doublet
   Patch_001_Left    = 3723:3724.5
   Patch_001_Right   = 3730.5:3733
   Patch_001_nLines  = 2
   Patch_001_Line_01 = 3726.0:0.7
   Patch_001_Line_02 = 3729.0:0.7

A single line patch, manual continuum ranges, masking out a subrange!,

   # Paschen Line
   Patch_001_Left  = 8308.0:8312.0
   Patch_001_Right = 8316.5:8318.0
   Patch_001_Mask  = 8310.0:8312.5 # mask out a dip
   Patch_001_Line  = 8314.1:1.4

Optional Advanced keywords:

When deblending lines it is sometimes helpful to fix the width and/or the line centres of the lines in a patch. The algorithm always solves for the peak height.

To fix the widths, add:

    Patch_XXX_Fixed_Widths = 1  # >0 fixed, 0 free

to a patch group. Any integer > 0 with cause the widths to be fixed – the line widths are then held constant in the solutions. To free the widths set Fixed_Widths to 0 or delete it:

    Patch_XXX_Fixed_Widths = 0

To fix the centres, add:

    Patch_XXX_Fixed_Centres = 1  # >0 fixed, 0 free

to a patch group. Any integer > 0 with cause the centres to be fixed – the line widths are then held constant in the solutions. To free the centres, set Fixed_Centres to 0, or delete it:

    Patch_XXX_Fixed_Centres = 0

Fixed Widths and Centres can be set both or either independently.

Note ‘Centers’ in keywords works as well as ‘Centres’ :)

Gaussian or Lorentzian

The default patch line fitting option is to fit gaussian line profiles. The keyword:

    Patch_XXX_Lorentz = 1  # >0 fit Lorentzians instead, 0 don't

Changes all the lines in a patch to be fit with Lorentzian profiles instead. The Lorentzian profile is numerically less stable when fitting than a Gaussian profile, so more care is needed with the initial estimates of parameters and fixing of centres and or widths is also commonly needed. Check the resulting fit carefully!

Future versions will allow mixing of Lorentzians and Gaussians in a single patch.